Customer Rules

Yes, we have rules for our customers. You may even like them.

Life Comes First!

No matter what, your life is more important than our appointment.  We really appreciate your making every attempt to keep a scheduled  time, but sometimes things come up. We would rather you simply forgot us, than had anything negative enter your life.

Do Not Insult Yourself!

 You should never have to insult yourself to ask for help. There is no reason why you should know the answer to every problem, nor are you likely to be the cause.  Never waste time doing anything that someone else is ready willing and able to do for you. Don't knock yourself, and we won't either.

The Customer Is In Charge!

 It is, after all your stuff. We are here to meet your needs, not the other way around. We offer help, advice, and support. Our opinions and advice are freely given, and can be freely rejected.

We are here to take care of you, the computer user, not the computer. You are far more interesting,
and frankly far more important than the machine.

You Can Contact Us

By Email:
While you can give us a lot of information about your problem in an email, We only check it late in the evening. This means we may not be able to give you the most timely or clear response. Please put your phone number, so that we can call and discuss your message in real time. Please do not try to schedule appointments by email.

By Phone: 704-549-4334

This number is usually answered by the answering machine, and it will be glad to take your message. Please be sure and leave both your name and number, as well as a short description of your problem. One of us will try to return your call within the day. We do not return phone calls after 9 pm.

In An Emergency: 704-619-9643

If you really need to talk to someone NOW, or if your problem has reached critical proportions, do not hesitate to call Tom on his cell phone at the number above. Tom's cell phone does not take messages, instead, it stores your Caller ID for quicker response.


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